
Instant Plugging Agent
  • Instant Plugging Agent

Instant Plugging Agent


Product name: Instant Plugging Agent

Role category: Plugging materials

Product Classification: Type I; Type II.

Key features:

10 minutes to 15 minutes solidification level strength of solid, the layer full of sealing, especially suitable for plugging loess layer leakage.

Key features:

It can bond well with loess, steel and rock, and there is some expansion in volume.


The ratio of 1:1 with water, i.e. 100 kilograms of water plus 100 kilograms of instantaneous plugging agent.


Prepare 3 oil drums, each oil drum with 100 kilograms of water, add 100 kilograms of instantaneous plugging agent, and then quickly stir for 1 minute, finished pouring from the wellhead into the well, 30 minutes after the normal drilling.

Production process: Maintain secrecy